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How many tickets do you want? [Movistar Arena | 05.05.2025 - 17:00 | FOREIGNER WITH LOU GRAMM] - Tuboleta.com


Book the best seat

Seat Category Preference (¹) Tariff Quantity Unit Price Sub-total
TRIBUNA FAN SUR Automatic PRECIO FULL 470,000.00 COP 0.00 COP
PLATEA 102 Automatic PRECIO FULL 420,000.00 COP 0.00 COP
PLATEA 101 -103 ETAPA 1 323,000.00 COP 0.00 COP
PLATEA 104 - 106 ETAPA 1 246,500.00 COP 0.00 COP
SEGUNDO PISO 201 Y 219 ETAPA 1 170,000.00 COP 0.00 COP
SEGUNDO PISO 202 - 205 / 215 - 218 PRECIO FULL 220,000.00 COP 0.00 COP
SEGUNDO PISO 206 - 207 / 213 - 214 ETAPA 1 215,500.00 COP 0.00 COP
SEGUNDO PISO 208 -212 ETAPA 1 238,000.00 COP 0.00 COP
0.00 COP



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Seat allocation

Our purchasing system automatically assigns the best available locations. You can change the location of the seats within the same category. Our reservation system automatically allocates the best seats available.

Payment methods

We accept the following payment types and guarantee that your Internet transactions are safe:

  • AMEX with installments AMEX with installments,
  • Diners with installments Diners with installments,
  • Mastercard with installments Mastercard with installments,
  • Visa with installments Visa with installments

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